Sunday, August 9, 2009

A few things needed to be said


*My life is so good right now.

*Work is slowing pick up, I just have to push harder promoting. This is nothing new to me, I can do it.

*Only hypebeast are getting excited for the space jam XI. If that shoe actually meant anything to you you would have picked it up along time ago, but whatever you gotta do to look "fresh".
I've seen a few pairs and a few sight with them for sale ($250). I don't care too much for getting sneakers early, I'd much rather hunt/wait in line for them but to each his own. Save your money, if you really want it you'll buy OG or at least a 2001 retro. Think about it, resell on a pair of XI space jams is going to run you anywhere from $250-$300. People are already pushing out that much for a 2009 pair.

*Boston in September

*Chicago in November

*New York in January

*Europe in the Summer

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